CleanShot 2023-02-17 at 17
For the last 2 month we have been working on a completely new product inside the Convy ecosystem. It's too early to put everything on the table, but we keep pushing Chat's progress. Small improvements help to feel motivated while the primary roadmap is on pause. Here are some points to be glad of today.
Convy Remote Guide
Recently we released our brand new Convy Guide. It reflects our vision of remote communication and collects instruments, approaches, and ideas for better life indeed. Published weekly. To subscribe →
Edit messages
Yep, the basic feature we added just now. Easily correct any mistakes in your messages, improving the clarity and accuracy of daily communication.
OpenGraph preview
Share public discussion at Convy with a clear image preview. Kind reminder: you may set any conversation visible to everyone with the link or open it only for participants.
Convy Chat Apps
Now links to desktop and mobile applications are stored at iOS app is in TestFlight, you may send us a request to use Convy on mobile.